With the book release coming up, it seemed like a good time to have a site makeover, so welcome to WendyMcClure.net, Pretty Prairie Edition! If you’re reading this through a feed reader you’ll have to click over to the site to see, and if you’re already here, made yourself at home.
The site’s new finery is the handiwork of Jennette, who has been promoting her own new book Chocolate & Vicodin this winter (PLEASE view the exceedingly-cute-despite-the-depressing-subject book trailer on that page, by the way), and who knows how jittery the book pre-launch experience can be. I’m not twitching that much right now, but of course there’s 18 more days left to freak out.
A few of you have asked if it makes a difference where or how you buy the book. I’ll just say that any new purchase or pre-order of the hardcover or ebook will directly support The Wilder Life, and whether you choose an indie bookseller, a chain store, or an online merchant is up to you. As long as you don’t buy an advanced reader copy on eBay (which is sort of illegal) or shoplift (definitely illegal), you will be doing fine by me (and avoiding jail & stuff). That said, I have heard that early sales and pre-orders are important, so if you can buy early and buy often (Sorry, I know, I’m from Chicago), it will definitely help.
Other things you can do to support The Wilder Life right now…
- Join the book’s Facebook page: Occasionally there’s book news there, but more often I’ve been posting photos and links to all kinds of Laura Ingalls Wilder geekery, and you’re welcome—nay, encouraged!—to post and share as well. I believe my publisher wants me to mobilize some kind of bonnethead army or something? I’m also hoping to get some giveaway action going there in the next few weeks (hint: might involve photos!), so be there.
- Follow @HalfPintIngalls on Twitter, and not just because I told Riverhead that she would have 10,000 followers by publication time, which probably won’t happen unless there’s some kind of online Dakota Boom. I know Ma would say that what’s really important is not the number of followers, but
engagement with key influencers and tweet amplificationhow much you love what you’re doing. It’s true that all the long months that I spent writing the book would have been harder and lonelier if I hadn’t gotten to go online every day and exchange Twittergraph messages with funny and ardent Little House fans. And HalfPint plans to keep things going as long as the seed wheat holds out.
- Plan to come to an event: I have an events page up here on this site and also on Facebook, which is mighty handy with the RSVPs and reminders and sharing. The events are technically “readings” but there may also be “churning” and whatever else I can come up with to rock your patent desks.
- Get the word out: Thanks so much to those of you who’ve posted wonderful reviews from advance reader copies so far (I’m trying to keep track of the blog reviews, but feel free to post a link in the comments if you have one that I’ve missed). If you’ve been lucky enough to get or win an ARC but don’t have a blog, you can review it on Goodreads, or mention it on the Twittergraph, or else write your review on a slate and pass it around the classroom, just like the Lazy, Lousy Lizzie Jane poem—and you’ll remember how that totally went viral in De Smet.
Okay, that’s all I can think right now of that doesn’t involve putting on a calico dress and accosting strangers on public transportation. THANK YOU.
I am SURE Laura Ingalls Wilder spent some time in Salt Lake City and therefore you should bring your book tour HERE. GODDAMNIT.
SHE DID. She wrote Almanzo a letter from the depot in 1915! She might have even spent a whole night in Salt Lake City!
When the paperback comes out I’ll do more events out west, in honor of the pioneering folks who couldn’t take bulky heavy hardcovers on their covered wagons.
I love the new look. I haven’t been out here in a few weeks, so I was surprised.
Such a great review in BUST of the book–my little one and I are reading the series now and was so excited to get your take! Looking for the book at my local library! When?
First of all, what blogger would actually part with this book, let alone sell it on eBay? I don’t understand that practice. Maybe I’m old-fashioned, being from Michigan and all, but when someone gives me a precious gift, I don’t try to sell it–I keep it in a special place called my bookshelf!
Second, I LOVED your book. Here is a link to my review/giveaway post:
Saw the giveaway at The Girl From the Ghetto. So excited about this book! My brother (9 years older than me) took me to the bookstore when I turned 8 and bought me “On the Banks of Plum Creek” and “Farmer Boy” for my birthday. They still rank on my favorites of all time book list and I have read some of the series to my own son. Can’t wait to read the vacation tribute to the books that made me believe I could actually survive “back then” too!
K. I ordered it from my local bookstore and now I have to wait for two weeks : (
On the bright side, I think they’re going to order it for their store!!
Where is your bookstore, Marilyn? Just curious…
In Winnipeg, McNally Robinson. In New York city, they’re called McNally Jackson.