To answer the three most frequently asked questions I’ve gotten from people since we got engaged last weekend:
1.) Chris and I haven’t set a date yet, but are planning for sometime in the fall.
2.) No, we are NOT having a Little-House themed wedding. I will not wear a poke bonnet, walk down the aisle to fiddle music, and ride off on a covered wagon. It’s sort of cool that Laura Ingalls Wilder wore black for her wedding, but I seriously doubt I could pull off that look without looking like Louise Fletcher in Flowers in the Attic. (And no, we are not having a V.C. Andrews-themed wedding either, though if another couple ever decides to go that route, PLEASE SEND PICTURES.)
3.) Also, Chris did not propose on a buggy ride while driving his team of Morgan horses. How did Almanzo manage to slip the ring onto Laura’s finger with one hand while he held the reins with the other? He had some slick moves, that Manly. Chris made me get out of the car. (And then walk with him to the pop-the-question spot.) I wouldn’t have it any other way.
We just barely got the tree up this season, I haven’t baked any cookies or made any gingerbread creations (sorry), and I totally missed seeing the Santa Train, but this is turning out to be one of the best holidays ever.
Speaking of Christmas and wearing bonnets: as much as I loved the Little House books as a kid, I never had my own sunbonnet or any other kind of prairie girl getup. You’d think this would’ve bothered me, but somehow it didn’t, and now I remember why. It’s because for two Christmas seasons, right around the peak of my Little House adoration, I got to dress up all 19th-century for a community theater adaptation of “A Christmas Carol.”
It was a musical production at the Village Players theater in Oak Park and it was called, I kid you not, Ebenezer! I was in the children’s chorus. The first year I performed (1980 I think?) I got to wear a long red velvet dress, a bonnet, and a shawl. The second year my costume had a fur muff. I knew from reading On the Banks of Plum Creek that muffs were the It Accessory of the 1870s, and I about lost my mind when the wardrobe lady gave me one to wear.
Here I am in my red dress, delivering my one line, which I can still remember: “I got new skates! They’re made out of real steel!”
Maybe I wasn’t convincing enough, because in the following year’s production my line was simply, “Oh, there’s Tim.” But whatever, I had the MUFF that year. If you look in the picture below, I think the girl in the white cape in the front row had it.
Why the heck weren’t we wearing gloves if it was supposed to be December in London? We look way too happy and warm to be Dickensian urchins. Also the kid in black on the left is supposed to be Tiny Tim. That’s right: the tallest kid in the group. But never mind, it was Christmas. God bless us, everyone! And God help us this next year. Merry Christmas!
Congratulations and best wishes!
Congratulation! So happy to hear this. Wonderful news.
Long-time lurker coming out of hiding to wish you and Chris all the best on your engagement! Welcome to the “holy sh!t, a piece of chicken costs HOW MUCH???” club, hee.
I still remember my line from the 2nd grade Christmas pageant where we all had a letter of the alphabet. “K is for kaleidoscopes and kitchens filled with sweets and spices.” Why I can remember this and not my PIN, I don’t know.
Oh, Wendy! I am so happy for you and Chris! Congratulations and wishing you much happiness!
Also: Congrats on the engagement. 🙂
Congratulations on the engagement from a sporadic lurker.
And on a completely different note, have you ever checked out contradancing? Best fun ever & lots of links with folk arts.
Totally cool. Congrats to you both!
Congratulations on the engagement! Just read The Wilder Life (adored it!) and this is such a happy epilogue! Sorry for all the exclamation points haha