Just a quick update before I set out west tomorrow to various destinations in Laura Ingalls Wilder Land (and you bet your Old Dan Tucker I am SO EXCITED). Anyway, I have author profiles on Red Room and SheWrites, two new lit-related networks. I haven’t really had a chance to look around much yet at either place, but now there’s a couple more places where you can find me.
Here’s where you won’t find me, even though Google Maps totally told me to go there:
The other night while checking over my maps for this trip I figured out that sometimes Google thinks Burr Oak, Iowa is an hour and half west of where it actually is, as well as in the middle of an open field. (Though, to be fair, most small Iowa towns technically are in the middle of open fields.) You can see for yourself. Oops.
Thanks to those of you who have written so far and been willing to share your geekiest, most sunbonnetty Laura thoughts. I’m still happy to listen if you haven’t written yet!
Finally, does anyone know where I can stay in a really, really, really rustic cabin in the Midwest? (Hint: by “rustic” I don’t mean “basic cable.”) I’m almost actually sort of serious. Let me know! Email me, leave a comment, or send a telegraph. Thanks!
I would, of course, most prefer if you came to Utah.
wait, those were terrible ideas. and not all in the midwest. i blame wine with dinner. i am sorry!
Are you still going to the Wilder homestead? I can’t wait to hear all about it – I grew up a couple towns over from Malone and never visited it, how did that happen?
I’m going to see it on Friday! Just a really quick trip up there by way of Burlington. I can’t wait!
That’s so funny – I’m totally heading through Malone tomorrow, too! Not to see the Wilder homestead, but on my way to see my new (and completely squishable and adorable, by the photos I’ve seen) nephew! Enjoy your trip – upstate New Yorkers = a little scary, but overall not too bad. Hey, I was one, once, so some of them end up ok! 🙂 Looking forward to hearing all about it!
Not sure if this is still the case, but I think at one time you could stay in one of the two replica dugouts on 14 near Walnut Grove. I just discovered your site and am catching up, so if you already stayed in one of them, scratch this. Very excited to read your work!
I bet you’re thinking of Sod House on the Prairie! It’s the place that inspired me to look into this in the first place. That would be my first choice but unfortunately they don’t take overnight guests anymore.