It is what it is, people.
First there is this, and you should come:
If you show up at the Hideout on Wednesday night at 7pm you’ll see me and the other funny ladies read wacky stories about female stuff like housework and ovaries and how chocolate is better than husbands. Or… something. Just be there!
Also the new BUST is out, where you can read my PopTart column on Miley Cyrus, poor little flutterbudget that she is. I just turned in the next issue’s column on Monday, which is one of the 1,472 reasons why I haven’t been able to update.
(I am rereading all the Laura Ingalls Wilder books right now, which is why I am saying a word like “flutterbudget.” I will tell you more about it when I get back.)
Oh, and I ran a 5K somehow. I have to tell you about that when I get back, too. NEXT WEEK I PROMISE, and look, here’s some ice cream and a five dollar bill, go buy yourself anything you want in the Walgreen’s toy aisle and DON’T GIVE ME THAT SAD FACE OKAY? Okay.
Congrats on the 5K! I am jealous of your bee-yu-tiful flower. I’ve only ever gotten bagels and cookies after races.
Dammit! Why are you always reading on nights when I have plans? Does it not even occur to you to consult me? (Don’t answer that.)
Serious congratulations on the 5K! (I ran for the first time today after a medically-imposed yearlong break, and am really feeling it in my knees.)
And I really like your top.
I can’t tell from your post when you are on vacation, but if you will be in town next weekend (not this one, that has just begun), I will be in town from Friday through Tuesday and would love to get together!
You ran a 5K! Yeah! I wish I could come see the awesome powerful woman lit-fest. Keep reading that Laura Ingalls Wilder stuff. Some good readin’. I would rather use my $5 bill at a Ben Franklin buying Archie comics. Is that okay?
OMG I was just at the Walgreens toy aisle this weekend, they have these “caterpillars” that are sort of like a koosh ball wrapped around a baloon and they have these two balls in them (that’s right, I said it) and they LIGHT UP when you shake them!!!!
Despite the srong latex smell (or perhaps beacuse of?) this is my new favorite toy. I bought them for all of my friends!
Actually Wendy, I’m not NOT coming to town (long story). But I’ll let you know next time I am.
P.S. I am embarrassed to say that I immediately knew the source of the word “flutterbudget.” God knows what other ancient tidbits are taking up the space my brain could use to do things like remembering to take out the garbage.
I just read “I’m Not the New Me” after hearing about it in Jen Lancaster’s “Such a Pretty Fat.” Who knew there was this whole world of funny women in Chicago? I have known about the recipe cards for a couple of years now (and laugh every time I review them) but I had no idea you were also an author.
Now I wish I still lived in Chicago, sort of. But, what really caused me to comment is that I re-read the LIW books every few years, so I knew what you meant when you said “flutterbudget.” I would also be completely hip to any non-Rhode Island-referencing use of the word “Providence.” And I do believe that each pitcher should stand on its own bottom, but never understood that one because where else would the pitcher stand?
Have a fun vacationing. Kudos on the 5K (or should it be kkkkkudos?)
So not to post right after you performed or whatever, but I had to add my Bad Times story re: the Dominick’s on Berwyn and Lincoln – my friends and I call it the Dirty Daiper Dominick’s. That’s all – not so much a story as a warning, but hey. Good for getting $10 in quarters though, as long as you’re not in a hurry.