Can I do NaBloPoMo without actually having to call it that? What if I pretend it actually stands for Narcoleptic Bloated Post-Modernism and just write lots of coy footnotes instead of blog posts? Or, better, what if I actually just post a little more often than I have in the past couple of weeks? Okay then!
I’m sorry that my Halloween costumes are getting more obscure every year. Last year I was a VC Andrews character, to the delight of approximately six people. This year Chris and I went as Raymond and Connie Marble, which I’m sure appealed only to the four people who have seen Pink Flamingos, or at least the two people who do not deeply resent us for reminding them that they have seen Pink Flamingos. Maybe next year I will dress up as a mumbled song lyric for a band nobody has heard of. (Well, nobody except Chris.)
We were thinking of going out again in costume last night, but we were waylaid by exhuastion and a surprise airing of Mommie Dearest on the Oxygen Network. Oh my God: I forgot about this freaking movie. I watched it constantly on HBO from the time I was about eleven to, I don’t know, the time my brain went soft and mushy just like the slab of rare prime rib little Christina defiantly refused to eat in that one scene REMEMBER THAT PART? REMEMBER? Ahh! And Chris had never seen it, so of course I had to usher him through the satin-upholstered luxe corridors of this fine, fine film. I hadn’t seen it for at least ten years and yet my memory is such that I can tell exactly which scenes are deleted or edited for TV broadcast and I am compelled to describe or even act out the missing dialogue. That’s right, I experience cinematic phantom limb pain for Mommie Dearest. How hideous is that?
Okay, I probably won’t post every day in November, since I have a column due soon and a trip next weekend. But I might have to tell you about how I lost seven pounds last month, and wow, that came out sounding like an informerical, didn’t it? I’ll tell you more later, hopefully not at all like an informercial and much more like the half-assed diet blog this site used to be.
No… wire… hangers… EVER!!! (Redux)
Meh. I didn’t realize the comments wouldn’t allow images. I meant for you to see this:
Next year, you could be Tina … ruffly dress, scrunched-up face, wire hanger-shaped welt across your face?
That is AWESOME. And you didn’t have to color your hair with bic pens like they did 🙂
Can I hire you as a consultant for my halloween costume next year? I can never think of anything good. I am so impressed.
All of us here in Bal’mur ‘preciate yer costyume, hun.
Um, Chris didn’t have the, um, TURKEY NECK tied on, did he? I mean, it looks like you guys went for complete accuracy (nice job), so I have to ask…
So glad to see that your NaBloPoMo is going about as well as my NaNoWriMo. I had good intentions. I really did…
I LOVE IT!!! I directed “Pink Flamingos” for my directing final at SIU-Carbondale…And, the experience was fantastic, because, Carbondale houses one of the world’s largest brain injury facilities, and some events coordinator decided that my play (which the flyer advertised as “filth, filth, filth”) would be the PERFECT outing for some of te patients.
It was a beautiful evening.
I used to close my email with the Connie Marble quote: “There are two kinds of people in this world; my kind of people, and assholes.”
Wendy, I love you more than my own hair color. More than my own shit do I love you…