Because Kevin Smokler tagged me. And because I went to the lakefront after work instead of writing a real update.
1. How many books I own: I just counted; I have about 400. This doesn’t include my books at work, though most of those are editorial copies that I wouldn’t necessarily claim as my own. And do perfect-bound lit magazines count as books? I didn’t include those, either, though I suppose one could claim that anything with a flat spine is technically a book. But that’s dumb, because then the IKEA catalog counts as a book. Okay, never mind.
2.) The last book I bought: Paradise by A.L. Kennedy. I don’t have it yet. I just ordered it. I couldn’t say which book I bought before that, because it’s a gift, so Paradise by A.L. Kennedy is totally my beard. Plus I really want to read it.
3.) The last book I read: That I finished? And that I wasn’t paid to read? I think it’s The Wonder Spot by Melissa Bank.
4.) Five books that mean a lot to me:
1. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brönte
2. The Dream Songs by John Berryman
3. Short Talks by Anne Carson
4. Metamorphoses by Ovid
5. A foreign edition of Richard Scarry’s Best Word Book Ever with words in English, Hungarian and German. It belonged to my grandmother. It’s how I know “szalonna” means “bacon,” “szállítókocsi” means “delivery van” and “robot” means “robot.”
5.) Five people I’ve tagged: (Assuming they haven’t been tagged already.)
Anne Carson’s Autobiography of Red would be on my list.
I’ve been thinking, she is to literature what Patti Smith is to music. Or Joan Jett. Or a combination of those two plus Nina Simone.
I loved Autobiography of Red too, but my first experience was with her early stuff, and it blew my mind. I actually never owned Short Talks but it’s collected in Plainwater and it’s my favorite part of that book.
(Taking notes here, adding to my list of books to read . . .) On another note, my sister WHO DOES NOT READ is now reading I’m Not the New Me. She got herself to the library, figured out how to order an inter-library loan, went back to the library a second time to pick the book up when it came in, and is now reading (and loving) it!
Also, A Prayer for Owen Meany would be on my list. I make new friends read that book. If they say reading it didn’t change their life, or at least open their eyes, I can’t be friends with them anymore. :o)