(I had to put those two Mystery Meal pictures behind links in the previous entry. I just couldn’t stand to look at them any longer.)
This weekend my broadband connection died. Friday night I was happily doing idiotic Google searches; Saturday morning I was compulsively plugging and unplugging the power cord on my cable modem per the tech guy’s instructions. The Comcast people couldn’t come out until today. I was able to try out the wireless card on my laptop at a coffeehouse on Saturday, but still I kept having little bouts of frustrated unplugged-ness all weekend long. I felt like I’d woken up without teeth and had to do everything differently, and of course I kept forgetting and grabbing caramel apples.
I have been gravelly-voiced for a full week now because of this cold. I have thus learned: when you’re hoarse for two days you think it’s kind of sexy; it’s only after six days that you realize you sound more like Sally Struthers.
DID YOU REGISTER TO VOTE? YOU BETTER. When you vote you sometimes get to go inside places you wouldn’t visit otherwise in your everyday life, like an elementary school! Or a Christian Science church! My polling place is at a VFW hall, done all up with trophies and plaques and Clydesdale horse lamps, and it has that hardcore tavern smell that’s so piquant in the morning. Who knows: you might get to vote in a place that’s just as cool. There are still registration deadlines open in a lot of states but Tuesday is the deadline here in Illinois. You know you want to check out the lobby of that senior citizens center. The community college cafeteria beckons! Come on!