I’m posting this entry from a my laptop at coffeehouse because my broadband connection broke again this morning. Exactly a week after it busted the first time–like before, the connection was working fine late Friday night into the wee hours of Saturday; but then, this morning, just like a week ago, I woke up to find only the “internet” light blinking on my modem (clearly it lacks a “fucked” light). After I couldn’t reboot it I called Comcast again to yell at them. They’re coming tomorrow, but I hope this doesn’t become even more of a regular thing than it is already.
I’ve had this high speed connection for more than a year, and until now I hadn’t had any problems other than the need to restart the modem every now and then. When the repair guys came out on Monday they tried switching modems, tweaking the cables, and twiddling things in the back stairwell and basement of my apartment building and worked for a distressingly long time before they managed to fix whatever the hell was wrong–something in the basement or outside, I guess. They mentioned that the wiring is really old and crappy in my building so now I’m worried that they’ll decide it can’t be fixed and I’ll lose my shit and will have to move all because I suddenly can’t stand not having the super ultra high-speed pipeline pumping data to my apartment at all times providing me with the whopping doses of digital heroin that I somehow managed to live without until June 2003.
The guy on the phone this morning speculated that maybe a neighbor has a satellite dish or some kind of thing that is causing a disturbance at regular intervals. I have new upstairs neighbors and if they have anything to do with this I’m pretty sure I will need to have them killed.
If anyone has any kind of advice or experience with this sort of thing, let me know. Broadband problems, I mean–notcontract murder.