I know you all came looking for Wendy, but she’s gone and I’m here so you’re stuck with me. Of course, you aren’t really stuck with me. You’re allowed to just walk away from Wendy’s business until she returns in two weeks, all aglow with the recent thrill of being amongst WRITERS as opposed to fools like me. Also, I’m pretty sure the other people she asked to guest blog (this is my first time BLOGGING, even! I journal! There’s a difference! The difference of course is that I was way too dumb to set up blogger) are smarter, funnier and hotter. You might just want to stop back another time. I’m like the maid discovering the computer in the house and going all batshit on it because I’ve never been allowed to touch one before.
Really, the main reason I’m posting this post about nothing is that I wanted to be first. And so I am! I don’t even have a topic yet. In two weeks, I bet I can cook something up other than Nigerian scam artists, how much work pisses me off, middle aged women in cartoon themed clothes or how much I love my car. Maybe.
Anyhow, here’s my first guest blog post and welcome to me.
Please note: I’m all proud of myself because I remembered how to do a paragraph break in html. I have skills.