I must be the last person in the blog universe to post about Book Expo America. I went, all right. The muscles in my feet still seize up when I look at this picture.
I’ve gone to BEA before, but this is the first time I’ve read so many blogged accounts by other people who attended, so now I can know specifically which free books I missed picking up and which celebrities I didn’t get to spot. I’ll have you know I walked away with a fine collection of vampire erotica, mostly because I was too shy to hand it back to the person who offered it to me. And I did see Toilet Seat Guy, though I didn’t get to my camera fast enough.
I was glad I made it to the blogger panel where Jessa at Bookslut and other distinguished folks had some very bright things to say about this whole, you know, cyber craze. And then when the panel session ended, a guy whose badge identified him as Ron Hogan of Beatrice came over and said, “Hey! You were on TV!” Ha! That made me slightly dizzy.
And see that book cover poster in the right corner?
Here is a closer view.
I like blogging as much as anyone else, but being on a book cover is kind of a kick, too.