I had my course in Remedial Knitting today. It turns out I was spendng all this time just sort of shuffling the stitches from one needle to another. It’s true I was wondering why I wasn’t seeing any actual knitting appearing after going through the motions of completing two or three rows, but I’d persist and keep going with this crazy phantom experimental performance-knitting thing, until someone at last set me straight. Now I have four rows of honest-to-god knitted stuff, and I stroke them lovingly.
I think I would have made more progress if I hadn’t been recovering from the effects of several hundred Miller Lites (I know) consumed at Schuba’s before the Gaper’s Block/SPEC reading, during the reading, afterwards at Schuba’s again, and then still yet more afterwards up in my neighborhood. The reading was good. I keep seeing it referred to as a “blogger reading,” but a number of people just had ‘zines, I guess. You know ‘zines, right? They’re like Amish weblogs.
I found this account of the reading in my referral logs. When Sour Bob got online today I made sure to instant message him: “DO I HEAR THE THEME FROM SHAFT PLAYING?!” He keeps saying that “Back in Black” is more his theme. And really, you should not get him started on that song. Anyway he read from this entry and I held up my cell phone and did an Audblog post of part of it. I think the person you can hear moaning softly is TranceJen, who was sitting in the row right in front of me.
Also, I was very happy to meet Mimi Smartypants. I won’t tell you how that went because my friend Shylo, who couldn’t attend, would like to keep her experience of Mimi Smartypants pure and virtual and would prefer not to know any specific details. Okay, I will say this: she had a HAT. And it was nice.