I know. I didn’t post at all last week. There’s always a reason for this, you know.
So when Disco and his wife came through town a couple of weeks ago, we tried to do an audio post from my cell phone at the restaurant. For some reason though, Audblog wasn’t responding, and we vowed to try some other time. This Saturday night we tried it again, this time during a series of three-way calls with Audblog.
You should know that we both sound like morons, like 16 year-olds on whippets. Keep that in mind. Please also know that Doug says the bad words a lot. Really, you shouldn’t even think of listening to these unless you are one of our very most psycho number-one fans who will use these posts along with sophisticated voice-print technology to positively identify us when you see us in person at the post office as we’re picking up the big suspicious package that you sent us anonymously. And we hope that we sound obnoxious enough to discourage you.
Each post we did starts with us laughing like idiots. Doug thinks he sounds like an asshole. I think I sound like your best friend’s socially awkward sister. But it was a good time. At one point Doug had to answer his Call Waiting, leaving me to blather on uncomfortably by myself, but eventually we got used to it and talked about Star Wars and Wesley Willis and all kinds of crap, and Doug got an Audblog account and is going to do his own radio show or some damn thing. And I’ll post more audio posts during the week, if you can stand it.
In other news, I went to see a band last night at a place called Fireside Bowl. I took this picture in the ladies’ room mirror. Fireside Bowl is a bowling alley but (as you can see) not a very family-friendly one:
All it takes is a magenta marker to really ruin a reputation.
I really like having a camera now. I keep meaning to go by Women’s Workout World during daylight hours and take a picture of the really disreputable and not-at-all- body-transformation- inspiring exterior. I would love to show you the locker room, too, but it is likely that by now there is a city ordinance preventing people from taking camera phones into locker rooms and I assume that camera cameras are prohibited, too. Too bad, because evidently someone on staff there went completely batshit with a glue gun and about 25 yards of fake ivy in efforts to make the locker room seem homier. It looks like the communal bathroom of a sorority house circa 1986. It’s creepy and mawkish but it’s also quite touching somehow. Aww, they do care.