So I started doing Weight Watchers online again, keeping track of the stuff I put in my mouth by using their snazzy eTools. One day I felt a sudden need to go to that site and log my daily POINTS�; something about clicking on all these little form fields and buttons seemed deeply compelling. And a few times a day now I get the impulse to go back and watch the numbers change and calculate what I’ll do for dinner or even the next day, and I’ve been surprised by my own instinct to do this and how it’s taken the form of a sweet little itch for simple computation and order.
Then I realized where it all comes from: I’ve been playing Virtual Drug Dealer almost daily for the past two weeks.
I’m serious. That fucking game has given me a case of the interactive click-clickies. And I am pretty sure that figuring out how much mozzarella I can have without blowing the eight points I have left for the day is essentially the same kind of brain activity that helps me decide how much meth I should unload if I want enough cash to snag some weak DesignerZ.
So for those of you who are reading this for advice: too much white rice can really screw you over sometimes. Same thing with crank.